Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Cynical Blog

I am a child of the 50’s and 60’s, raised in southern California by a single mother who struggled on a private school teacher’s salary. She worked two jobs, and would still come up short if, God forbid, anything unexpected happened. Getting help from government programs was “going on the dole” as her generation put it. It was easy for me to rebel against the establishment and not trust anyone over thirty.

I did what many of my generation did: tune in, turn on and drop out. If Vietnam taught me the government was not to be trusted, Watergate confirmed it. The first time I voted was in 1972 when the initiative to legalize marijuana was on the ballot, and that’s why I voted. That’s right, I was a hippy.

The lesson I learned was politics was a nasty game, the Beltway corrupted anyone who spent any amount of time there, and Big Oil was in control, then and now.