Friday, October 19, 2012

The Combat Blog

Women in combat has always been a very contentious subject in this country, but that has not stopped women from stepping up when needed to fight for their country or their beliefs. Even as far back as the Revolutionary War, women such as Molly Pitcher have not hesitated to pick up arms and defend what was being threatened.

Today, according to the article in the LA Times written by David Zucchino, women are confronted with the “good old boys” club that fears women in combat situations. They use toilet accommodations and strength requirements as an excuse to restrict women from positions that they (women) are well qualified for in every other aspect.

A law suit has been filed charging that “the Pentagon’s exclusion of women in combat positions is unconstitutional.” The article goes on to highlight the fact that out of the over 150,000 positions open in the military, only 14,000 are open to women. The army’s position is that they are committed to removing these barriers, but they move at a snail’s pace in doing so.

This article highlights the barriers that women face daily in trying to pursue their own dreams. Being successful in a military career no longer takes brute strength as it did in the past, and yet even that has never stopped women from serving their country or their cause. It also highlights the “second-class” stature that still exists for women today.

You can read this article in the LA Times


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