Monday, December 3, 2012

The Last Blog

As I went through all of my classmate’s blogs to see which one I wanted to comment on, I was surprised to find Lucy’s about an obese man who wanted his execution stayed “until he is at a safe weight for the execution.”  This sounds like a way to avoid execution altogether. He no doubt made the same argument in 1997, and I’m willing to bet he weighed less then. If weight became the cause to delay execution, everyone on death row would be eating their way to obesity to avoid the needle. I began to wonder where he got all the food necessary to reach 480 pounds; no doubt my tax dollars at work since they do support the prison system. This brings up other questions: should prisons be a place where people can eat so much they reach obese stature while so many law abiding citizens are going hungry in this country? Should children give up free school lunches and breakfasts so prisoners can eat their way out of their sentence? Should the already overburdened courts spend even one minute considering this mans “painful” end? What bothers me the most is the fact he has been in prison for thirty years and should have been executed long ago. That tax dollars have not only paid for his abuse of his own body but is no doubt paying for medical treatment required (like to treat diabetes and high blood pressure) when someone weighs that much is something that screams abuse of the system. Medical science has done their best to come up with the most humane way to execute convicted criminals, and since it is legal in 37 (more than half) of the states including his own, there is no reason to delay the process and every reason to proceed. Let’s face it; it’s not supposed to be a good time. He is a murderer and according to the jury of his peers, deserves to die. He should be glad we no longer practice “such [things] as being stretched on the rack and/or disemboweled.” Do it and be done with it.

Losco, Joseph and Ralph Baker. AM Gov2012 12/11

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